user32.dll labview

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========> Download Link user32.dll labview = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Product Manuals: Example 3: Call the Win32 API (LabVIEW 8.5 help) KnowledgeBase 1GRAN2U0: Where Can I Get Help Calling Windows API Functions from LabVIEW? KnowledgeBase 203EA3XC: LabVIEW.LIB Error When Calling a LabVIEW DLL Built with VIs That Use External Code. Hello there,. I have a tricky problem I'm hoping somebody might be able to help me with... I have a vi which runs as a child window within another vi window which I created using the SetParentWindow() method in user32.dll. This works great. The result is as in the image below where the excel document. Example – Calling a Function in User32.DLL. What Information do You Need? This example of using LabVIEW 4.0 to call a DLL will involve making a function call to one of the standard DLLs that is part of the Windows 95/NT operating system. You will learn how to configure the Call Library Function to call USER32.DLL. The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows 7, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site. 3 min - Uploaded by AddagioWhat is a DLL file? - Duration: 22:15. Eduardo Ribeiro 86,640 views · 22:15 · Labview. WAV sound files on your computer from LabVIEW, if you have a sound card with Windows sound drivers installed on your system. Open example Find related examples; If you do not have a sound, card you can generate a sound in your PC speaker by calling the MessageBeep function in User32.DLL. The function. Another useful trick in LabVIEW using the user32.dll is to simulate keys being pressed on the keyboard. I haven't come across the need very often, however when using console applications, it can be necessary. I ran into this problem while running a console application that runs a GPS simulator. Getting the application to. Another useful trick in LabVIEW using the user32.dll is to simulate keys being pressed on the keyboard. I haven't come across the need very often, however when using console applications, it can be necessary. I ran into this problem while running a console application that runs a GPS simulator. Getting. \LABVIEW\EXAMPLES\DLL\SOUND\PLAYSND.LLB\Play. You can use this VI to play Windows .WAV sound files on your computer from LabVIEW. •If you do not have a sound card you can generate a sound in your PC speaker by calling the MessageBeep function inUser32.DLL. The function. 請問各位大大. 小弟今年年中才接觸LabVIEW,所以很多東西都不懂! 我從網路上好不容易查到設定螢幕解析度的方式,但是我的筆電解析度最高是1366*768。 測試可以降低解析度,但是卻無法切換回原本的設定。 可以幫我看一下是什麼問題嗎? 另外問一個問題,呼叫外部的DLL的輸入/輸出參數有更好的查詢或是. Hallo Labview Gemeinde, folgendes "Problem" ich möchte in einer bestimmten Situation ein FP fullscreen in den Vordergrund rücken und dieses erst nach Nutzereingabe schließen. Stand jetzt: das Fenster. Minimum supported client. Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]. Minimum supported server. Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]. Header. Winuser.h (include Windows.h). Library. User32.lib. DLL. User32.dll. Unicode and ANSI names. FindWindowW (Unicode) and FindWindowA (ANSI). If you know the Name of the Window you'd like to activate, you could use FindWindowA and SetForegroundWindow of the Windows API user32.dll via "Call Library Function". See labview debugging issue:Breakpoint will not be hit,invalid file line. LabVIEW.exe : Loaded C: WINDOWS system32 user32.dll , No symbols loaded. LabVIEW.exe. 4 Example - Calling a Function in User32.DLL What Information do You Need? This example of using LabVIEW 4.0 to call a DLL will involve making a function. DLL - Contains hundreds of functions for the management of memory and various processes. USER32.DLL - Contains numerous user interface functions... concatenate strings if you pass a LabVIEW Array Handle or LabVIEW String Handle and are using the Visual C++ compiler or Symantec compiler to compile your DLL. 1. 如何在front panel設計是否存檔的功能? 2. 使用LabVIEW與PLC做連線. 3. 請問主程式大架構該怎麼寫? 4. Build執行檔失敗. 5. 想請問BCG Lookup與color BCG Lookup的不同. Делаю установочник для приложения LabVIEW. Приложение использует библиотеку user32.dll. При создании установочного файла эта библиотека присоединяется к проекту (после установки она появляется в папке data) . Так вот, если устанавливать приложение на компьютер с. Sorry I couldn't find the original link to the code, I have attached the VIs but the credit of the development should go to the right person. If anyone finds the link, please leave behind a comment. I found another link, well documented using the same user32.dll library. We would like to give credit to a post from Jhambhekar Automation we used as our main approach for this fun project. Problem: How can we add controls to a LabVIEW front panel at runtime? Solution: Using the "Call Library Node" block in LabVIEW build a wrapper around the Window user32.dll to use. .llb/LVPositionTypeDef.ctl"/>. <vilib>/express/express execution control/TimeDelayBlock.llb/"/>. . user32.dll" Type="Document" URL="user32.dll">. Hi, you find the required information in the MSDN online: and more specific the "SendInput" at: Regards,. Mattias Ericsson Endevo ( Gothenburg. LabVIEW Task Manager.vipb: Rebuilt on home machine as b26. No changes other than the LV2010 code used to build against -- yet b26 works and b25 (built at work) fails. 2014-06-22. Tim Vargo. 60907ab. LabVIEW Task Manager.vipb: Shortened namespacing suffix This build still depends on user32.dll, and crashes all. Labview通过USER32.DLL调用getwindowRECT的问题 20. Inter getwindowRECT( hwnd As Integer, lpRect As RECT)有两个参数,其中IpRect是名为RECT的结构体,相当于labview的簇?,那么这个结构体在labview中如何声明呢?怎么让这个结构体在labview中成为函数的输入或输出?本人只会C和VB,labview. LabVIEW 2010 crash when calling user32.dll. Interesting LabVIEW 2010 'characteristic', I discovered this morning. Attached are two identical screws, a registered in 2010 and a registered in 2009. These screws have been written specifically to demonstrate the bug, I came across this afternoon. Each VI when it is run needs. $array[n][1] = nth window handle (HWND). I know calls to LVWUTIL32.DLL works fine but I would really like to use Autoit and understand what the problem is. As and option, can anyone provide working vi that calls user32.dll directly to get the WINDOW NAMES (string data array) for all open applications. 이 글에서는 LabVIEW에서 user32.dll을 이용하여 WINAPI를 사용하는 방법에 대해서 알아보도록 하겠습니다. LabVIEW에서도 다른 회사에서 만든 dll을 이용할 수가 있는데요. 이를 위해서는 Call Lib Function Node에 대한 사용법을 아셔야 합니다. 이 vi에 대한 사용법은 아래를 참조하세요. 관련 링크 : 2014/09/08. 最近有網友來信詢問於在LabVIEW中如何使用”User32.dll”中API EnumWindows,由於它是使用callback的方式傳回資料因此需封裝成dll的形式給LabVIEW使用,本篇將介紹此過程的程式撰寫方式。 在LabVIEW中若想要使用dll來註冊Event,dll必須加入extcode.h這個檔頭和使用Library檔labview.lib或labviewv.lib。 ... 向的対庇芙系。庄用程序可以根据迭介返回値逆行相拉的赴理。在了解了 M , ss 、 g 。 BoX 函数的相芙内容之后,下面介紹在 LabVIEW 中凋用咳函数的歩螺。第一歩:在 VI 的植圃程序中倒建一介 CLF 市点,井将其配畳対活桂打升。第二歩:首先在 CLF 市点的配置対活桓中逸拝 MessegeB0X 函数所在的劫悉髄接痒 USER32・DLL(C:hW. 接下來你只需要填入滑鼠的X 座標跟Y 座標並按下執行,即可設定滑鼠位置。 這個小程式主要是利用 Call Library Function Node 呼叫User32.dll 完成的。 以電子郵件傳送這篇文章 BlogThis! 分享至Twitter 分享至Facebook 分享到Pinterest. 標籤: HowTo-滑鼠 · > How To. Waldemar,Thank you very much for your insight.This is a very interesting/intriguing problem. Please bear with me as I try to describe it:br>It seems that LV is treating DLLs exactly as it would a sub-VI. Once one VI which uses a DLL is loaded into memory, all other VIs which use a. 'LabVIEW.exe': Loaded 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\shlwapi.dll', No symbols loaded. 'LabVIEW.exe': Loaded 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\gdi32.dll', No symbols loaded. 'LabVIEW.exe': Loaded 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\user32.dll', No symbols loaded. 'LabVIEW.exe': Loaded 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\setupapi.dll',. 在LabVIEW中要偵測鍵盤滑鼠的動作,標準做法是使用鍵盤滑鼠事件來處理。這個方法有個問題?那就是鍵盤上有些按鍵在事件中是偵測不到的,尤其是很多新型鍵盤通常比標準鍵盤多了很多功能鍵. 透過調用API程式user32.dll的GetKeyboardState函式,可以一次讀取鍵盤滑鼠所有按鍵狀態. 首先使用Call Library Function Node. NIDays 专题. LabVIEW 技术专题. 使用Browse 到Windows(或WinNT)下面的system32 中先选择API 的库. 函数,如User32.dll,然后在FuncName 的下拉式菜单中选择你需要的函数,在. Calling Convention 中选择”stdcall(WINAPI).下面的工作是设置传递参数. 2.3 如何传递参数. LV 的参数类型中提供了几种在LV 中常用的类型:. In most LabVIEW applications, the front panel of a subVI is displayed in order to retrieve inputs from the user, or to simply display information. By following these steps,.. User32.dll>>SetLayeredWindowAttributes - Sets the opacity and transparency color key of a layered window. ooohPretty.png. So now. Ahora, no estoy del todo seguro desde que version de LabVIEW contiene la propiedad de transparecia (LabVIEW 8.2?) pero lo que si es un hecho es que en la version LabVIEW 7.x no existe dicha propiedad… Sin embargo, es posible hacer una ventana transparente utilizando el user32.dll (Aqui dejo. Quelles lignes ajouter et où? J'ai essayé de les ajouter dans le Class1.cs mais je me retrouve avec des erreurs à chaque compilation. Pour info, LabVIEW dispose d'une fonction CallLibrary qui me permet de travailler avec Kernel32.dll et user32.dll (j'aimerais avoir un fonctionnement similaire à ces dll). The third-party device vendor should provide a software driver, such as a DLL, that you can call from LabWindows/CVI or LabVIEW using the Call Library.. Lib "mcHID.dll" Alias "IsReadNotifyEnabled" (ByVal pHandle As Integer) As Boolean Friend Declare Function CallWindowProc Lib "user32.dll" Alias. 1). Programmatically, this is accomplished by calling Windows' functions from the User32.dll library using a “Call Library Function Node” [26]. If the two approaches described here are combined together, then one can easily scan the entire spectrum by moving the marker from one side to another and saving the screenshots. 最近有网友来信询问于在LabVIEW 中如何使用” User32.dll ”中API EnumWindows ,由于它是使用callback 的方式传回资料因此需封装成dll 的形式给LabVIEW 使用,本篇将介绍此过程的程序撰写方式。 在LabVIEW 中若想要使用dll 来注册Event ,dll 必须加入extcode.h 这个头文件和使用Library 档labview.lib 或lab. MATLAB中文论坛常用软件板块发表的帖子:LabVIEW做的桌面钟表——一个调用DLL的例子。做了一个桌面小钟表,首先看一下. 另一种语言创建的DLL来弥补。 windows的user32.dll中主要为执行用户界面任务的函数,其中很多函数可以帮助我们进行界面设计,比如本例中的窗体透明,再如MATLAB GUI应用,在. I envision a DLL that could be called from LabVIEW = (or maybe LabVIEW could call WinAPI DLLs directly) with functions for = Spawning the Process (the command-line executable), Reading from, and Writing to = a Pipe for.. It might be possible to use POSIX = calls from msvcrt instead of Win32 calls from User32. Oki for WINAPI, but it doesn't work anyway, Can you explain me what is an "Event Structure's Timeout event". Maybe you can make a little sample. Thanls. Top. labview >> Re : How to use "GetLastInputInfo" in "user32.dll". by MikeS81 » Fri, 04 Apr 2008 17:10:08 GMT. Hi SebBourgeois, now it works, see the attachment. [DllImport( "user32.dll" )]. private static extern int SetWindowLong(IntPtr hWnd, int nIndex, int dwNewLong);. private const int GWL_STYLE = -16;. private const int WS_MAXIMIZEBOX = 0x10000; //maximize button. private const int WS_MINIMIZEBOX = 0x20000; //minimize button. public MainWindow() {. We are a LabVIEW solutions company, offering a wide range of LabVIEW services, supplying resources, working on-site or in our office. LabVIEW® and any other model or product name referenced herein are the trademarks of their respective companies.. A good medium level example of the state machine and very basic user-clicks sensing using the event structure new to LabVIEW 6.1.. Window 9X Only : Uses a DLL call to the Win9X User32.DLL to get. 在前面,我们已经介绍过利用NI 的VISA 来实现USB HID 双向通信。借助VISA 来实. 现USB HID 通信,是比较稳定和可靠的,缺点就是需要安装庞大的VISA 驱动程序,而且. 我们的STM32 硬件需要被MAX 正常识别出来,如果不能识别,那么这种方法是行不通的。 其实我们还有另外的方法,就是通过LabVIEW 调用DLL 文件,实现USB. LabVIEW 中级教程. 外. 部. 程. 序. 接. 口. 乊. 调. 用. DLLDLL. 外部程序接口乊调用DLL. LabVIEW 与外部程序接口:. LabVIEW 作为一种图形化环境的编程语言,功能已经十分强大。同时,LabVIEW 也是一个软件. Windows 操作系统提供了很多的API 函数,比如User32.dll 中就包含了键盘,鼠标,声音,系. 统时间等函数。这里我们. Call Library Function Node; Windows Dll Path Environment Variable; And LabVIEW not having mind reading capailities can not do that for you.. Note:If you are using user32.dll or another WinAPI DLL in your application and you do not properly specify the location of the library on disk, you may receive the following error. 2013年8月1日. 创建CLF(Call Library Function)步骤: 1)创建一个空的CLN节点2)配置CLF节点(CLF节点双击或右击选择配置,打开“CLF”对话框,函数选项页中的库名或路径中添加动态库函数文件路径C:\WINDOWS\system32\user32.dll) 以MessageBox函数为例: 返回参数:数值,无符号32位整型参数hWnd 数值 无符号32位整. 【测试之王labview】如何用LabVIEW 关闭Windows 下的应用程序? 2016-10-28 21:48:40 来源: 评论:0 点击:. 在LabVIEW 中,我们可以透过呼叫WIN32 API 来做取得或控制有关Windows 作业系统的相关信息。 若要关闭应用程序,需要用到user32.dll 这个动态连结数据库。请依以下步骤进行:. 1. 在程序设计区放置 Call Library. ... list too long No such device or address Input/output error Interrupted function call No such process No such file or directory Operation not permitted No error GetLastActivePopup GetActiveWindow MessageBoxA user32.dll SunMonTueWedThuFriSat JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec H:mm:ss dddd, MMMM dd,. Bonjour, Je cherche à utiliser une DLL dans un programme en C, fournie pour l'utilisation d'un [...] The C language has been the choice for test and measurement applications for years. But with the popularity of object-oriented languages such as C++ and C#, some may wonder if C has a place in tomorrow's test systems. If you do have a significant amount of C code investment, it is important to. and unfortunately there's something in the install package which causes LabView to crash during the VIPM installation process. I accept the license terms, VIPM starts to extract the files, and then Labview (2014) starts up and eventually starts looking for a file USER32.DLL. After the search traverses pretty. User32.dll Causing Error on Application Exit I have an application built into an exe with LabVIEW 8.2. It uses 1 simple call to user32.dll to determine if caps lock is on. When I build the application, it copies user32.dll to the 'data' subdirectory of my application. Everything works fine, how. 24 Tháng Ba 2011. Nhờ vào sự hỗ trợ của hai bộ thư viện liên kết động là Avicap32.dll và user32.dll chúng ta có thể dễ dàng có được một ứng dụng thu nhận tín hiệu video hoặc chụp hình bằng LabVIEW và một webcam thông dụng. Avicap32.dll là một thư viện liên kết động chứa đựng các hàm cơ bản hỗ trợ hệ điều hành. 즉, DLL(Dynamic Linking Library) 파일 형태로 제공하는 API를 LabVIEW에서 호출하는 여러가지 방법들에 대해서 살펴보겠습니다. 이를 설명하기 위하여 Axsun사의 Laser를 USB 통신으로 전원 On/Off 해주는 프로그램 및 "user32.dll"을 이용하여 모니터 전원을 On/Off 해주는 프로그램을 구현해 보겠습니다. Page 2 of 2 - VIPM 2012 Crashing - posted in VI Package Manager (VIPM): I'm having same issue I attached the program to my visual studios debugger for what little good it did me. Below is the output: 'VI Package Manager.exe': Loaded 'C:\Program Files (x86)\JKI\VI Package Manager\VI Package. 前々回・前回の「LabVIEWからSusie plugin DLLを利用する」では、DLL関数に『ライブラリ関数呼び出しノード』を使ってアクセスしていました。. アセンブリとモジュールを作成し、そこへDefinePInvokeMethodメソッドを使って「user32.dll」内の「MessageBox」関数を定義した後に、CreateGlobalFunctionsメソッドで関数定義を. labview调用Windows api为bool,怎设置呢- 搜狗问问. 1个答案 - 提问时间: 2014-12-16. 问题说明:请问你是怎么解决的??谢谢. 最佳答案在函数选板-互连接口-调用库函数节点,双击库函数节点,弹出对话框后,在库名/路径那里添加user32.dll,user32.dll位于C:\Windows\System32下,在函数原型那里将void... 搜狗问问-. File type, PE32 executable for MS Windows (GUI) Intel 80386 32-bit. Language, 040904b0. Section .text md5: f319cc760fe114c74a8ee15775173a79 sha1: 29c524a90e05670caefdaa808137d1f7fb6067a0 size: 29184. Section .rdata md5: f647381ce1f310f9ac3bb551ad0ef87c sha1:. I am trying to read a text box from a programme running at the same time as my Labview application using calls to the Windows User32.dll. I belie... 1529889. 附件是8.6版本运行没有问题,能获得当前窗口的title。但是只要一做成exe,在关闭的时候就报错。不知道你们遇到过这个问题吗??.,Labview调用user32.dll 问题. Wait, so you're saying that specifying the full path is the right way to do it? This is what was causing the error for me. Also, as I said, I didn't copy the system dll, the application builder did it. This is what I was wondering about. Why would user32.dll get copied if I specify the full path, but it doesn't if I don't? 16. DB:3.88:Labview 8.6.1: Nilvaiu.Dll Dll Initialization Routine Failed pf. Hi Tanya,. My issue has NOT been resolved...still trying to get an answer from NI, it's been over a week now. It looks like Rob's issue was resolved, but I don't see where jdunham's was...don't know why it's marked resolved. I actually have another thread. In this particular article .user32.dll initialization failure due to out of memory DLL initialization failure Initialization of the dynamic link library. LabVIEW: "A dynamic link library . errors that say "A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine has . link library (DLL) initialization routine failed."Solutions and. Re: Zdalna kontrola na komputerze - rozpoznanie w labview. Post by PiDi » Sat May 07, 2016 6:48 pm. Hm, ciężka sprawa. Zdaniem tego: otely.html , funkcja GetSystemMetrics z user32.dll daje informację, czy aktualna sesja jest zdalna. W załączniku VI*, który. When LabView program finishes to work with CA (=calls ca_context_destroy() ) I see that LabView crashed. When I start from Visual. LabView calls any dll in "Explicit dynamic linking". I wrote the. information found. Loaded 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\user32.dll', no matching symbolic information found. A simple approach to transfer data from a PerkinElmer® Wizard2® automatic gamma-ray counter to Canberra® Genie 2000® software for spectra analysis has been developed. The LabVIEW® graphical programming language has been utilized to collect data for automated ASCII file generation based on optical character. Pour "traduire", convertir, la chaine de texte de retour de l'invite de commande, string au format OEM, il va falloir utiliser la user32.dll avec la fonction "OemToChar", qui permet : cf MSDN : Translates a string from the OEM-defined character set into either an ANSI or a wide-character string. Par exemple sur. Hope this helps. Ah... as a new user I can't post images... Oh well. You can use the NIVisWnd.dll (to be found in C:\WINDOWS\system32) to get the IMAQ WinDraw external image's handle (function name is : GetWindowHandle) and then use user32.dll to make external image child of FP (function name is : SetParent). Passando un progetto da un pc ad un altro, il front panel risulta completamente disallineato rispetto a ciò che avevo fatto sul primo pc poichè i due schermi hanno diversa risoluzione. Ho provato anche a settare il resize automatico da file--->vi properties--->windows size senza però ottenere un risultato. While executing my vi, I'm trying to move the mouse to another open window to specific coordinates, click on a button of another program that starts that program running (it's not a labview program) and then move my mouse to another location and perform another click. I'm trying to use the user32.dll to do. Professional\setup.exe 77D18744 0013F76C 0001:00007744 C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll GetDC + 109 77D18826 0013F7D4 0001:00007826 C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll GetDC + 335 77D1B4D0 0013F828 0001:0000A4D0 C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll DefWindowProcW + 388. 17. Juni 2012. Webcam Control Bedienelement im Blockdiagramm Dies ist das Bedienelement, dass das laufende Bild der Webcamm anzeigt. Es handelt sich um das LabVIEW Bedienelement „.NET Container“, dem die DLL WebcamControlDirectShowNet zugewiesen wurde. Der Referenzausgang wird für alle anderen. Controlling PC Mouse Event Virtually By Patterns Using LabVIEW. by Sunder Kandasamy on 2013-04-15 In Video. Objective: Customizing the control of the processor through manipulating the user32.dll file To have the customizing in more feasible way the cursor is manipulated via webcam Software. Hi, "Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION" seems to be a common experience. It appears that many people believe that it is related to the... I am trying to read a text box from a programme running at the same time as my Labview application using calls to the Windows User32.dll. I believe I need to find the window handle for the 'form' containing this text string and use this together with various other defined input variables to access the sting. 在 #004、#005,可以看到,函數運行到 DispatchMessage 的內部了,DispatchMessageW、DispatchMessageWorker 是 user32.dll 中到處的函數,而且函數前部字串相等,在此猜想應該是 DispatchMessage 的內部處理。#008 為我們消息處理函數,所以推想而知,#006、#007 是為了調用我們的消息處理函數而準備. 라이브러리: user32.dll 함수 원형: int MessageBoxA (hWnd, lptext, lpCaption, uType) 호출 규정: 표준. 이러한 정보를 갖고 DLL을 호출 하였다고 하더라도 몇 가지 고려해야 할 사항들이 있습니다. 먼저, 서로 다른 플랫폼에서 숫자 데이터 타입의 크기가 일관적으로 사용되지 않는다는 것입니다. LabVIEW는 아래 표와. ADVAPI32.dll; COMCTL32.dll; COMDLG32.dll; credui.dll; CRYPT32.dll; GDI32.dll; KERNEL32.dll; MPR.dll; ole32.dll; OLEAUT32.dll; PSAPI.DLL; SETUPAPI.dll; SHELL32.dll; SHLWAPI.dll; USER32.dll; VERSION.dll; WINHTTP.dll; WS2_32.dll. AddAccessAllowedAce. AddAce. AdjustTokenPrivileges. As mentioned, the Call Library Function excels in accessing operating system functions on the Windows platform. But a catch exists: Of the myriad of DLLs in the Windows directories, how do you know which one contains the function you want? You might use the process of elimination: LabVIEW will complain if it cannot find. ... values of controls that appears on an exe, by getting the windows reference and using the EnumChildWindows in that window to get the reference of the particular control. I am struck with the the callback used in this function. Anybody have called this function in user32.dll using LabVIEW? Thanks, logic. USER32.DLL − Contains numerous user interface functions. Involved in the creation of program windows and their interactions with each other... You MAY resize arrays or concatenate strings if you pass a LabVIEW Array Handle or LabVIEW String Handle and are using the Visual C++ compiler or. I try using the command line tool "STM8_pgm.exe" (and this forum :-) ) with LabView and it works fine so far. But there is one problem: If the board is. Thanks for your answer. In the meantime I found another workaround for this problem: I use Labview and the user32.dll for closing the window. Best regards,. 2012年2月3日. 哪位有这个啊?求之。大家分享下撒。 user32.dll---API函数详解,欢迎来中国电子技术论坛交流讨论。 LV2014ActiveXControl.DLL. LabVIEW 2014 OCX. National Instruments. Remove LV2014ActiveXControl.DLL. File name: LV2014ActiveXControl.DLL.. PE Imports. user32.dll. GetClientRect, SetPropA, GetPropA, FrameRect, FillRect, DrawTextA, GetSysColorBrush, PeekMessageA, CreateWindowExA,. Error loading a .exe labview application (attachement) I developped a monitoring application in labview 2010, containing video monitoring using 2 webcams. In the module for video monitoring I call the avicap32.dll and the user32.dll using the call library function. It runs perfectly. But when I build a . Auto, SetLastError:=True)> _ Private Shared Function GetClassName(hWnd As IntPtr, _ lpClassName As StringBuilder, nMaxCount As Integer) As Integer End Function user32.dll", SetLastError:=True)> _ Private Shared Function GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd As IntPtr, _ ByRef lpdwProcessId As Integer) As.